Car Accident Lawyer in Atlanta

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A car wreck can change your life in the blink of an eye. If you’ve been seriously injured because of another driver’s negligence, you need help now. A car accident lawyer in Atlanta, Bey & Associates will be your tireless legal advocate as we demand a full and fair settlement from the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

Georgia Car Accident Statistics

Georgia has a little bit of everything to offer, from gorgeous views in the Appalachian Mountains to the nation’s largest aquarium in Atlanta. Traveling through The Peach State is not always safe, though. With a mix of urban and rural roads, aging infrastructure, and a healthy dose of negligent drivers, your chances of being involved in a car accident are far from zero.

Let’s take a closer look at car accident statistics for the state of Georgia:

  • In 2020, Georgia had the fourth-highest number of traffic deaths despite only being the eighth most populous state.
  • Car crashes were the number one cause of injury deaths in 2020 for kids aged five to 14.
  • Fatal car crashes result in $17 million in medical expenses annually.
  • There were 387,444 non-fatal crash injuries in 2021, according to the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT).

We want everyone to be safe when driving in Georgia. While you cannot control the actions of other drivers, you can make smart choices for yourself that lower your overall risk of being in a crash. When driving in Georgia:

  • Never drive faster than the posted speed limit.
  • Lower your speed during periods of low visibility or when driving conditions are less than ideal.
  • Always wear a seatbelt.
  • Always have a plan to get home safely if you plan on drinking.

Types of Car Accidents in Atlanta

The population of the Atlanta metropolitan area is just over 6.1 million. With so many people driving back and forth to work, school, and running errands, accidents are bound to happen.

The following types of auto accidents are those that occur with the most frequency in Atlanta:

  • Rear-end collisions
  • T-bone (also called side-impact or broadside) collisions
  • Sideswipe accidents
  • Head-on collisions

These are the types of accidents that are most likely to occur at an intersection or when traveling side-by-side with other vehicles on fast-moving interstates. Injuries and fatalities are common in these accidents.

The Most Dangerous Roads in Atlanta

Atlanta is home to some of the most dangerous roads in all of Georgia. Our car accident lawyer in Atlanta urges everyone to exercise additional caution when traveling on:

  • The Cobb Cloverleaf at the intersection of I-75 and I-285
  • The intersection of Piedmont Road and Pharr Road
  • Towne Lake Parkway (Exit 8) off I-575
  • The Decatur Low Bridge (Ponce de Leon Avenue Bridge)
  • I-285 (also known as Ring Road)

When Do You Need a Car Accident Lawyer in Atlanta?

You’ve been in a car crash. You’re hurt, your medical bills are piling up, and your bank account is dwindling. Do you know where to turn for help?

Car accident attorneys help injury victims navigate complex legal processes, from filing personal injury claims to negotiating for a fair settlement with the other driver’s insurance company.

If you’re not sure whether working with an experienced car accident lawyer is right for your case, answer the following questions:

  • Did you suffer moderate to severe injuries?
  • Are you unable to work, or can only work in a reduced capacity?
  • Have you already started receiving medical bills?
  • Are you regularly fielding calls from an insurance claims adjuster?
  • Was your car damaged or totaled?
  • Do you have lingering pain and suffering?
  • Are you anxious about driving or riding in a car again?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, you will benefit from having a car accident lawyer in Atlanta on your side.

Why Work With a Car Accident Lawyer in Atlanta?

Your car accident claim is important to you, so it’s important to us. At Bey & Associates, our car accident lawyer in Atlanta has a proven track record of prioritizing clients and standing up to the big insurance companies.

When our law firm takes on your case, you will be so much more than just another car accident victim to us. Our Atlanta car accident attorneys take the time to get to know each and every client on a personal level, an approach that allows us to fully understand the impact of the crash on your life.

Bey & Associates stands for excellence, success, and justice. To learn more about recovering compensation for the other driver’s negligence in a personal injury claim, please contact our Atlanta law firm for a free consultation.

Car Accident Lawyer: Myths vs. Facts

As your legal team, we want you to be confident in your choice to work with a car accident lawyer in Atlanta as you seek to recover compensation in your personal injury case. However, we also understand that many people have preconceived ideas about what it means to work with a lawyer. For this reason, we have provided some helpful refutations to common myths about Atlanta car accident lawyers and personal injury cases:

Myth #1: Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer in Atlanta Isn’t Affordable

When we handle car accident cases, we are often working with clients who are experiencing acute financial distress. We are sensitive to the worries and needs of crash victims, which is why we are pleased to offer our services on a contingency fee basis.

By working on a contingency fee, we are able to provide our legal services free of charge. You don’t owe us anything for attorney fees unless we win your case.

Myth #2: My Insurance Company Will Look Out for Me

Auto insurance companies are supposed to cover damages in car accident claims. Unfortunately, these large companies often prioritize maximizing their profits by minimizing payouts, even if their subscriber was the at-fault driver.

You can’t expect your own insurance company to have your best interests in mind. If you suffered injuries in a car accident and need to seek compensation for your medical care, an experienced car accident attorney can help you assert your rights to the auto insurance provider.

Myth #3: I Can Wait and See How My Claim Goes Before Contacting a Car Accident Lawyer in Atlanta

You might be tempted to try and handle your car accident injury claim on your own at first, thinking that if you encounter any issues, you can always contact a car accident lawyer in Atlanta later on.

By the time you contact us about your car accident lawsuit, you might have already made key errors that limit your right to maximum compensation. The sooner you begin working with a car accident attorney, the closer you will be to preserving your right to hold the at-fault party responsible for their actions.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Atlanta

Of the more than 6 million car accidents that occur annually in the United States, a shocking 98% are the result of driver error. This means that if you suffered serious injuries in a crash anywhere in the Atlanta metro area or surrounding area, someone else’s negligence was more than likely to blame.

Some of the most common examples of driver error that cause car wrecks in Georgia include:

  • Speeding or driving too fast for the conditions
  • Reading or writing text messages
  • Taking videos or pictures
  • Eating and drinking
  • Using social media
  • Personal grooming
  • Reaching for items
  • Adjusting climate controls
  • Changing songs on a streaming service
  • Following too closely (tailgating)
  • Pulling into traffic or changing lanes without looking
  • Turning without signaling
  • Failing to stop at stop signs or traffic lights

At Bey & Associates, we have the resources, knowledge, and experience needed to investigate car accident lawsuits. If you’re unsure what caused your crash but know that you weren’t at fault, contact our personal injury law firm to schedule a free consultation.

Common Car Accident Injuries

Injuries associated with motor vehicle collisions range from mild to severe. No two people will walk away from an accident with quite the same injuries, condition, or road to recovery.

While we cannot speak to your personal experience, we do know that some of the most common injuries that occur in car accidents include:

  • Head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Back injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Neck and shoulder injuries
  • Internal organ damage
  • Broken and fractured bones
  • Lacerations
  • Contusions
  • Burns

When To Go to the Doctor After an Accident

Never hesitate to call 911 or to go immediately to the emergency room if you believe you are suffering from severe or catastrophic injuries after a car accident.

The sooner you go to the doctor after an accident, the better. When you seek medical attention, you are creating a verifiable account of the physical harm you’ve suffered, which is important when you are trying to seek financial compensation for your medical expenses.

You generally have three options when seeking post-accident medical care:

  • The emergency room – Whether you’re transported in an ambulance, drive there yourself, or have a friend or family member take you, the ER is the best choice for traumatic or severe injuries.
  • An urgent care facility – Urgent care facilities are designed to treat minor to moderate injuries or illnesses. Keep in mind that some urgent care facilities do not treat car accident patients.
  • Your regular doctor – Call your doctor as soon as you can. Let the scheduling agent know that you’ve been involved in a car accident and need to be evaluated for injuries. If you cannot be seen within one or two days, seek treatment at an urgent care or ER instead.

Never delay seeking treatment for car accident injuries, even if you are worried about the cost or do not currently have health insurance coverage. Crash-related medical bills are among the types of damages you can receive compensation for in a car accident case.

Steps To Take After a Car Accident in Atlanta

The steps you take in the hours, days, and weeks following an accident can have a profound impact on your right to recover maximum compensation for your lost wages, medical expenses, property damage, and more.

If you’ve been injured in an accident, we recommend taking as many of the following steps as possible.

Call 911

The city of Atlanta requires all car accidents to be immediately reported to authorities by calling 911. When you speak with the 911 dispatcher, tell them that you’ve been involved in an accident and ask that police and an ambulance be sent to the scene.

If possible, give them the exact location of the car wreck. If you are unsure of your location, provide as much detail about your location as you can, including landmarks, crossroads, or street names.

When the police arrive, provide as much factual information as possible about the accident. Avoid engaging in speculation or embellishing anything that happened.

Assess for Injuries

Evaluate yourself, your passengers, and the occupants of the other vehicle for injuries. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t allow others to move you and wait for emergency responders.

Never attempt to move anyone who appears to be suffering from a head, neck, or spinal injury, as this could cause additional, irreversible harm.

Exchange Information With the Other Driver

You are required by law to exchange certain information with all involved drivers, including:

  • Names
  • Contact information
  • Addresses
  • Auto insurance policy information
  • Vehicle identification (VIN) numbers

If you fail to secure any of the above information from the other driver or if you lose it, you should be able to find the other driver’s information in the official accident police report.

Take Pictures and Videos

Some of the most important evidence in car accident claims is also the evidence with the shortest lifespan. Skid marks, debris, and adverse driving conditions are impermanent evidence and conditions that should be documented as soon as possible.

Before you leave the scene of the accident, use your phone’s camera to take pictures and videos of the accident scene. Capture as much evidence as possible. Don’t worry about taking more images or videos than is necessary—you and your car accident lawyer in Atlanta can review this data at a later date to determine what is relevant.

Seek Medical Attention

Never put off seeking medical attention for your accident-related injuries. Any delay in the diagnosis, care, and treatment of your injury can result in preventable worsening of your condition. Not going to the doctor may mean that you have a longer, harder path to recovery.

Delaying going to the doctor can also have a negative impact on your car accident claim. Insurance adjusters may point to this delay as evidence that you are not as seriously injured as you are claiming to be.

Meet With a Car Accident Lawyer in Atlanta

A car accident lawyer in Atlanta from Bey & Associates is ready to meet with you in a no-cost, no-obligation setting. This means that our first meeting is always free, and there is never any obligation to work with our law firm following your case evaluation.

The purpose of meeting with a lawyer after an auto accident is to determine whether you might have a valid personal injury claim and what type of financial compensation you could be entitled to.

Evidence Needed To Prove Fault in a Car Accident Claim

You already know that the other driver caused your accident—now you need to prove it to the insurance company. Your car accident lawyer in Atlanta will partner with you to gather, review, and submit evidence that clearly supports your injury claim.

Examples of evidence that can be helpful when trying to recover compensation for your accident injuries and damages include:

  • Pictures and videos from the scene of the accident
  • Footage from dash cams, traffic cameras, and red light cameras
  • Cell phone records
  • Eyewitness statements
  • Accident reconstructionist testimony
  • Medical expert testimony
  • The official accident report

If the driver who hit you and caused your accident has a history of driving and traffic violations, their driving record may also help paint a picture of a pattern of negligent and reckless behavior.

Types of Compensation in a Car Accident Case

Compensation in car accident cases falls into three different categories: economic, non-economic, and punitive damages.

  • Economic damages compensate you for your financial losses, including lost wages, property damage, medical bills, and more.
  • Non-economic damages compensate you for your non-financial losses, including pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment in life, and more.
  • Punitive damages punish (or make an example of) the at-fault party to discourage them (and others) from engaging in similarly negligent behavior in the future.

Most personal injury claims for car accidents involve compensation for both financial and pain and suffering damages. You and your car accident lawyer in Atlanta can work together to determine what losses you’ve incurred and how much you are owed.

Punitive damages are only awarded in a small number of car accident cases. According to § 51-12-5.1 of the Georgia Code, there must be “clear and convincing evidence” that the at-fault driver acted with fraud, oppression, wantonness, malice, or willful misconduct.

Who Pays for My Damages After an Atlanta Car Crash?

Georgia is an at-fault car insurance state. This means that whichever driver is responsible for causing the accident is also responsible for the victim’s resulting damages. In some situations, there may be additional liable parties you can hold responsible for your damages, including:

  • The at-fault driver’s employer
  • Other drivers on the road
  • Auto mechanics
  • Auto part or vehicle manufacturers

But what happens if you were hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver or if the at-fault driver fled the scene of the accident? If this happens, you may be able to rely on your own insurance coverage to make up for any gaps in your compensation.

Atlanta Car Accident FAQs

The period of time following a car accident is often marked by worry, upset, and confusion. A car accident lawyer in Atlanta from Bey & Associates is waiting to sit down and discuss your legal options in a free consultation.

Whether you’re awaiting your upcoming case evaluation or have yet to reach out to our law firm, we hope that the answers to the following frequently asked car accident claim questions will be helpful.

What if I Was Partially at Fault for the Wreck?

If you played a role in your accident, you may still be able to recover compensation for your related damages. Under a rule known as comparative negligence, car accident victims in the state of Georgia are still allowed to pursue compensation so long as they are no more than 49% at fault.

However, you can expect your settlement to be proportionately reduced by your percentage of fault. For example, if you were found to be 10% at fault for the crash, then your overall award would be lowered by 10%.

Can I Post About My Crash on Social Media?

Social media has become a part of everyday life for many people in Atlanta. However, Bey & Associates cautions against sharing anything about your crash on social media. An insurance adjuster may be able to gain access to your Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, or Facebook feed, and can use any information found there against you in your accident claim.

As much as possible, avoid sharing anything on social media until your claim is settled. A single picture of you looking happy or participating in physical activity could be all it takes to make you lose out on your right to compensation.

Will My Case Go to Trial?

The vast majority of car accident cases are settled outside of court. Only a relatively small number of auto accident victims ever need to set foot inside of a courtroom.

Your legal team from Bey & Associates will do everything within their power to settle for full and fair compensation on your behalf, but we won’t back down from taking your case to trial if the insurance company refuses to pay what you are owed.

My Family Member Was Killed in a Car Crash—What Should I Do?

The sudden and unexpected loss of a loved one is a trauma that no family in Georgia should have to go through. While we know that no amount of money could ever come close to addressing the full impact of a person’s death, we also know that a successfully settled wrongful death claim can provide much-needed financial relief to surviving family members.

If you believe that the person who caused your loved one’s accident needs to be brought to justice for their actions, please contact Bey & Associates as soon as possible. We’ll schedule you for a completely free case evaluation with a compassionate wrongful death attorney.

Contact our Car Accident Lawyer in Atlanta Today

Our personal injury law firm operates with a single goal in mind: to advocate for injury victims who have been harmed by the negligent, reckless, or wrongful actions of another person. If another driver hit and injured you, we want to help you stand up to the big insurance company and demand the full amount of compensation you are owed.

Whether you need help filling out insurance forms or aren’t sure how to correctly value the worth of your claim, Bey & Associates is here for you. We’re proud to take many cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning that financial resources aren’t a barrier to securing legal representation. In other words, you don’t owe us anything unless we win your case for you.

For an opportunity to speak with a car accident lawyer in Atlanta in a private, no-cost setting, please contact our law office as soon as possible. There is a time limit for taking legal action for an auto accident, and the clock began ticking the moment the other driver hit you.

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