How to Protect Your Elderly Loved One From Nursing Home Abuse

Bey and Associates have decades of experience advocating and protecting individuals and families who have been affected by nursing home abuse in Georgia.

There are six million people above the age of 65 in the United States. Many of those people will require some form of assisted living as they age, which means they may be subjected to some form of abuse, whether it be physical and emotional.

If you have an elderly loved one in an assisted living or nursing home facility, take any signs of abuse very seriously. Do not ever write off signs of abuse as illness, dementia, or their overall frailty.

Caregivers will try to explain their physical or emotional abuse ailments as symptoms of their age, mental deterioration, or previous illnesses. You should never dismiss these signs because of a caregiver’s explanation. Also, be extremely wary if the caregiver often refuses to leave the elder alone in your care.

Know the Signs and Symptoms of Elder Abuse

The stress of elder care can take a toll on caregivers, but that is never an excuse for abuse. If a caregiver seems to be burned out, depressed, or impatient they may be unable to keep from lashing out against the innocent elderly victims in their care.

Below are signs to look out for with elderly physical and mental abuse.

Physical Abuse:
  • Bruises
  • Welts
  • Scars
  • Broken Bones
  • Sprains
  • Dislocations
  • Prescription Drug Overdose or Unuse
  • Broken Glasses or Frames
  • Restraint Marks
Emotional Abuse:
  • Threatening the Elder
  • Belittling the Elder
  • Controlling Behavior
  • Dementia-like Symptoms
  • Rocking
  • Sucking
  • Mumbling Softly
  • Frequent Arguments
  • Tension with the Caregiver
  • Personality or Behavioral Changes

Contact a Georgia Nursing Home Elder Abuse Attorney for Help

If you suspect, or if your elderly loved one has been hurt or abused by a caretaker or facility in which you trusted to care for them, it is essential to contact Bey and Associates, as well as the proper authorities immediately.

Do not attempt to handle your case alone, let our trusted team of expert Atlanta personal injury lawyers fight for your loved one and get the retribution and compensation they deserve.

Bey and Associates elder abuse attorneys have the knowledge, skills, and trial experience in neglect litigation to help you obtain the maximum recovery in your nursing home neglect suit. 

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